Are Wetlands Worthless Because They Are Inedible?

I  kept an eye out, but I didn’t find my favourite poster in reply to Murray Darling Basin Plan, but I did fine this gem.


What an idiotic statement.

Using this logic, we could effectively argue a great many things as pointless… I mean, one cannot eat their shoes, a household brick, a car, a bathroom, thus are all these things meaningless?

There are good arguments for what ought to be taught in schools – critical thinking and information analysis being the most obvious – yet I feel the most important should be human ecology. It is a pet peeve of mine which motivated me to write The Human Island.

We often hear our species referred to as an “apex species / predator” yet this only counts if we have an apex. Simple single celled organisms require very little to persist. With all that our species requires, from the simple life in our gut to the massive trees that condition the atmosphere, modify the hydrological cycle and provide buffers to storm surges, we are very dependent upon our ecological webs. A point easily forgotten deep in the sterile urban landscape.

We don’t eat wetlands, fresh or saline, but we do eat the fruits of wetlands, whether it’s fish species or birds. These also provide a second level through feeding and fertilizing other species and environments elsewhere. Wetlands are nurseries for fish and birds that tend to migrate.

On the other hand, we drink water. Fresh water is limited and very insecure in Australia at the best of times.

How does using water in the following way, in the middle of summer, in the same arid inland location?

Shallow pools of fresh water going to waste

7 thoughts on “Are Wetlands Worthless Because They Are Inedible?

  1. Well said. Somebody actually bothered to make that daft banner and to put it up! Then, no doubt, phe washed per hands in clean water and drank something made from clean water. Clean water, thanks to wetlands.

    You probably know that 2013 is the United Nations’ International Year of Water Cooperation It began with World Wetlands Day


    1. Thanks Argylesock. It’s funny out there. It’s arid, with red dry soil, broken by rice or cotton swamps or bright green irrigated lawns…

      I’ll listen to their complaint when they demonstrate sustainable water use.


    1. You’re too kind. I’d suggest that whoever thought this up it was the first thought to full form itself in their mind.. But you raise a good point. Ducks demonstrate that one can in fact a wetland.


  2. Good to see you active again.

    There are seriious implication to food production if we neglect the planets biodiversity and wilderness areas. Climate change will impact these things in a big way with a resulting loss of agricultural productivity.


    1. Cheers, Ricki.. But I’ve pretty much stayed active..? Perhaps you mean on the subject of agriculture and ecology? It has been a while. It was a main driver to why I started blogging. History will show that our separation from our ecosystems, especially at a time when we started to understand ecology, will be the reason for so much unnecessary hardship and species loss.


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